In the heart of the beautiful Bukhara region, in the small town of Vabkent, stands the Vabkent Minaret – a magnificent monument of the 12th century, whose historical legacy intertwines with the mighty Kalan Minaret. This unique structure, often referred to as the “younger brother” of the Bukhara Minaret, reveals its beauty at a height of 39 meters, slightly shorter than its famous relative. The Vabkent Minaret boasts a more restrained exterior finish compared to the intricate patterns of the Kalan Minaret.

Parallels in architectural styles and the highest professionalism of the architect are confirmed by the details of both minarets. At the top of the Vabkent Minaret rises a lantern – a rotunda, access to which is provided by a narrow spiral staircase hidden inside the building.

The historical roots of this place are connected with the mosque that once neighbored the minaret. Unfortunately, nothing remains of this remarkable structure today. While enjoying the grandeur of the Vabkent Minaret, don’t miss the chance to embark on exciting jeep tours from Bishkek.

Get to the Vabkent Minaret (clickable).