During the reign of Ulugh Beg, Samarkand became an important center of science and culture. He himself was an educated scholar whose teachers, renowned scientists, and poets instilled in him a love for knowledge and art.

Ulugh Beg demonstrated his talent in astronomy and mathematics, including geometry and trigonometry. His scientific achievements included the “New Astronomical Tables,” which contained the theoretical foundations of astronomy and the coordinates of more than 1000 stars. These tables were well-known in Europe, India, and China and held great significance for astronomy.

Ulugh Beg erected a unique observatory in Samarkand, which became the basis for his scientific work. The observatory featured a giant quadrant with a diameter of 48 meters, as well as an azimuth circle and a rotating quadrant, which allowed for the fixing of celestial coordinates.

Visiting Ulugh Beg’s observatory is a unique opportunity to delve into the history of astronomy and enjoy the beauty of Samarkand’s architectural heritage. Traveling to this historical site is worth including in your itinerary if you are traveling with the tourist company DWC and renting a jeep in Bishkek.

Getting to Ulugh Beg’s Observatory (clickable).