Torugart Pass is the point of intersection of the border between China and Kyrgyzstan. Literally until 2002, when the Irkeshtam Pass was opened, it was the only route for crossing the border between the countries.

In 1905, British Consul George Macartney learned that a road was laid from the village of At-Bashi to Torugart, which ends on Chinese territory. It was decided to strengthen the road for political purposes so that Russian troops could use it. These were times of the struggle between Russia and Britain for influence in the territories of Central Asia.

In the next year, China had to agree to the completion of construction, for which they had to take a loan from the Russian Bank. Russian merchants gained a monopoly on trade, and the cost of using the road was so high that it was used for a very short time. Torugart is part of the Great Silk Road. Specific documents are required to cross it, so it’s better not to attempt it independently.

The tourist company Bishkek DWC organizes jeep tours to the most interesting places.