The tourist company DWC offers unique journeys, including visits to a sacred place called Teshik-Tash, located at the Sary-Shoto pass near Baysun.

Teshik-Tash captivates with its beauty and mystery. Surrounded by small white stones, rises the large “Porous Stone,” which, according to the Turkic language, gave the name to this sacred place. Over millennia, natural forces have sculpted the stone into remarkable shapes, creating this wonder of nature.

Elders tell stories that the “Porous Stone” possesses healing power. Mothers bring their children and pass them through this porous stone, believing that the next day the children will be cured of their ailments, and the stone will absorb all the sickness.

Teshik-Tash is also an archaeological site where a famous discovery was made – the remains of a Neanderthal boy. In 1938, the distinguished archaeologist Mikhail Evgenievich Masson discovered the burial in the Teshik-Tash cave.

The DWC tour will help you immerse yourself in the amazing world of Teshik-Tash and discover its unique archaeological treasures.

Get to Teshik-Tash Cave (clickable).