The Taldyk Pass in the Alai Range sits at an altitude of 3615 meters. It connects the Gulcha River Valley and the Alai Valley. Additionally, it serves as the route linking the city of Osh and the settlement of Sary-Tash, extending further to the borders of Tajikistan and China.

Vehicles can traverse this pass 365 days a year, which is quite rare for such high-altitude mountain passes. On the northern side of the pass, the road turns into a serpentine path. Here, you can also find a monument to Yuri Grushko, a builder who participated in the construction works in the 1930s and 1940s.

Our company can organize jeep tours to the most interesting places in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

To reach the Taldyk Pass (clickable).