Jeep tours from Bishkek offer the opportunity to explore the stunning landscapes of Central Asia, including the eastern Fergana Valley, through which flows the longest river in this region – the Syr Darya. This majestic river is formed by the confluence of two other rivers, the Naryn and the Karadarya.

The Syr Darya has an ancient history with various names. In ancient Greek sources, it is mentioned as the Tanais (similar to the Don River), and then it becomes known as the Jaxartes. The current name has Tajik origins.

The water regime of the Syr Darya is heavily dependent on its tributaries, especially the spring runoff from the Ahangaran, Chirchik, Keles, and Aris rivers. The Syr Darya Valley is low-lying and often marshy in some areas.

Traveling along the Syr Darya River allows you to learn about this unique region, its history, and its significance for the environment and culture.

Get to the Syr Darya River (clickable).