The Sulu-Tor Lakes are natural gems nestled in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. These small glacial lakes are hidden among the mountain peaks, in close proximity to the mountain pass “Too Ashuu.” As you ascend along the winding mountain road through this pass, breathtaking views and enchanting landscapes unfold before you.

At every turn of the switchback, you’ll encounter stunning scenery: snow-capped mountain peaks, icy caps, rocky ridges, and tranquil, rocky gorges enveloping narrow pathways. Your gaze will be captivated by these beauties from different angles.

And if you venture along the old dirt road, you’ll ascend even higher, reaching an altitude of 3080 meters above sea level. Here, even on the hottest summer days, you may find patches of snow.

Within the framework of journeys and jeep tours, this place becomes part of an unforgettable adventure, bringing harmony with nature and gifting you memories for a lifetime.

Get to the Sulu-Tor Lakes (clickable).