The Bishkek tourist company offers thrilling jeep tours with the opportunity to visit the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan—one of the oldest museums in Central Asia, founded 136 years ago. The museum’s exposition includes about 250,000 exhibits.

The museum is housed in a 4-story building. The first floor features an exhibition gallery where modern exhibitions on various topics of interest to visitors are regularly held.

On the second floor, you can immerse yourself in the history of Uzbekistan from ancient times to the Timurid era.

The third floor of the museum is dedicated to the period of the three khanates in the history of Uzbekistan when its territory was divided between the largest feudal states: the Khanate of Khiva, the Kokand Khanate, and the Bukhara Emirate.

The fourth floor houses exhibits from the most recent period of Uzbekistan’s history—from the 19th to the 21st centuries.

Visiting the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan will be an exciting journey into the history of this remarkable country. Traveling with the Bishkek tourist company will allow you to immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the past.

Access the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan (clickable link).