Kilemche Valley is located in the Jumgal district of Naryn region at an altitude of 3240 meters. From here, you can enjoy the panoramic view of Son-Kul Lake in all its glory. Nearby, there is a river also called Kilemche.

The river does not have rapids, so it does not resemble a classic mountain river, but rather a plain one. It flows calmly and steadily. There are also beautiful meadows here, where dozens of types of grass and flowers grow – edelweiss, arnica, and gentian.

You can also visit here in winter. Horseback riding, walks in deep snow, and skiing are available. For the night, you can stay in a yurt on Son-Kul Lake.

The company DWC organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan, but also in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.