The Shah-Fazil Mausoleum is listed among the cultic structures dating back to the era of the Karakhanids. It includes the sacred mountain of Archa-Mazar, the Alamberdar Mausoleum, the cave of a holy hermit, the site of the execution of Islam warriors (2700 people), the Shah-Fazil Mausoleum, and Safed-Bulon.

All these constructions date from the 11th to the 19th centuries. The most valuable among them is the Shah-Fazil Mausoleum, unparalleled in all of Central Asia. It is designed as a square and truncated pyramid, with a drum and dome resting atop. The entire structure is covered with intricate ganch carving.

According to legend, the complex was built to spread the Islamic faith. Every year, the complex attracts hundreds of pilgrims.
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To reach Shah-Fazil (clickable).