Traveling with the tourist company DWC will allow you to explore one of the most famous sites with petroglyphs in Central Asia – the Sarmyshsay gorge, located on the southern slope of the Karatau Mountains, 45 km northeast of the city of Navoi. Karatau is one of the ridges of the Nuratau Mountains, and to the south of the ridge stretches the Zeravshan Valley. The nature of Sarmyshsay impresses with its diversity – various types of trees flourish here, and the slopes are covered with dense thickets of shrubs. In spring, the gorge turns into a real wonder of nature with vast expanses of greenery, adorned with tulips and poppies.

Today, more than 10,000 petroglyphs have been found in Sarmyshsay – diverse rock carvings that fascinate with their mysteries. The main part of the petroglyphs is located along the middle reaches of the Say River. In the vicinity of the petroglyphs, you can also see burial mounds and sacred sites, adding extra interest and mystery to this amazing place.

A trip with the DWC tourist company to the Sarmyshsay gorge promises to be an exciting journey into the historical past.

Get to the Sarmysh Gorge (clickable).