It covers the slopes of the Chatkal and At-Oynok ridges and spans 23.9 hectares. Established in 1959 to preserve animals, plants, as well as nut and fruit forests, and high-mountain landscapes.

Here lies Kyrgyzstan’s third-largest lake, Sary-Chelek. This freshwater lake, with an area of ​​5 square kilometers and a depth of 246 meters, literally translates as “Yellow Bowl.” It is particularly beautiful in autumn when the trees turn golden-red, enhancing the lake’s splendor. Nearby, there are six smaller lakes and numerous rivers.

The climate here is mild – warm in summer, with little snow in winter. The area is dominated by pear, apple, and walnut trees. Among the mammals, you can encounter deer, hedgehogs, mountain beavers, argali sheep, martens, ibexes, and about 10 species of birds. DWC company organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan but also in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

Reach Sary-Chelek Nature Reserve (clickable).