The Merke Sanatorium is located in the South Kazakhstan region, near the city of Merke. This region is renowned for its favorable climate and natural beauty, making it an ideal place for health procedures and relaxation. The sanatorium is surrounded by picturesque mountains and unique landscapes, creating a tranquil atmosphere for visitors. It is worth visiting for tourists, especially jeep tour enthusiasts from Bishkek and those seeking a place for rejuvenation and relaxation.

The sanatorium specializes in treating various diseases, such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and more. The sanatorium offers individual treatment programs, including physiotherapy, mud therapy, balneotherapy, and other procedures based on the use of natural resources of the region.

Established over 60 years ago, it has since become one of the popular destinations for health improvement and relaxation in Kazakhstan. Throughout its history, the Merke Sanatorium has hosted numerous visitors, including famous personalities and politicians.

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