In 2006, the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation rose in Astana, boasting the form of a perfect four-sided pyramid. This amazing architectural marvel, some already call it the “Eighth Wonder of the World.”

Unlike the ancient Egyptian pyramids, which served as burial structures, the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation is a multifunctional complex. It houses a concert hall, opera house, conference halls, exhibition galleries, an orangery, and many other spaces. All of them are adorned with stunning works of art, including murals, sculptures, paintings, and installations.

The most majestic conference hall is the “Cheops Atrium” with an area of over 2000 square meters.

The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation is a unique structure, adorning the capital of Kazakhstan with its brilliance and brightness. This building truly symbolizes peace and harmony and provides an excellent opportunity for tourists collaborating with the DWC tour company to visit one of Astana’s main attractions.

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