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Semenov Gorge
от 100 kgs / day
Semenovskoe Gorge is located 49 km from the city of Cholpon-Ata on the northern ...
Canyon Fairy Tale
от 100 kgs / day
Fairy Tale Canyon is a small gorge on the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. This...
Yeltsin Peak
от 100 kgs / day
Boris Yeltsin, the first President of the Russian Federation, visited Kyrgyzstan...
Chon Kyzyl Suu Gorge
от 100 kgs / day
The Chon-Kyzyl-Suu Gorge, or “Big Red Water,” is one of the most bea...
Altyn Arashan Gorge
от kgs / day
Altyn Arashan or the Golden Spring is a high-mountain gorge near the city of Kar...
Ashuu Too Pass
от 100 kgs / day
Too-Ashuu Pass – Camel Pass. Connects the Chui and Suusamyr valleys with a...
Belogorka Gorge
от 100 kgs / day
Belogorka or Belogorsky gorge is located above the village of Sokuluk, in the su...
Mount of Salvation Tashtar-Ata
от 100 kgs / day
The Tash-Tar-Ata complex is unique in its spiritual and architectural orientatio...
Ak-Sai Glacier
от 100 kgs / day
Glacier Ak-Sai or White Valley is a place for tourists to acclimatize when they ...
Crown Peak
от 100 kgs / day
Peak Korona is the hallmark of the Ala-Archa Gorge, one of the most beautiful pe...
Kulunatinsky Nature Reserve
от 100 kgs / day
The Kulunatinsky Nature Reserve is intended to preserve the diversity of plants ...
Arpa Valley
от 100 kgs / day
The Arpa Valley is quite extensive and is located in the southern part of the Na...