The Orto-Tokoy Reservoir is the first in Kyrgyzstan, established in 1960. Its construction plan had been awaiting implementation since 1940, even before the start of World War II.

The reservoir belongs to the Chu River basin and is home to a dam standing at a height of 52 meters. The primary aim behind its construction was to irrigate the nearby agricultural lands. Geographically, the reservoir is situated in the Naryn region, just 15 kilometers away from Issyk-Kul.

It has relatively modest dimensions—only 18 by 5 kilometers. However, this contributes to its picturesque beauty—standing on one shore offers views of the other, as well as its hills, cliffs, and low-floating clouds.

This place appeals to fishing enthusiasts and rafters. Trout, osman, marinka, and other fish species inhabit its waters. The water is refreshingly cool for swimming.

The tourist company, Bishkek DWC, arranges jeep tours to the most intriguing spots.