The Naryn Canyon is formed by the river of the same name in the area of Tash-Kumyr city in the Jalal-Abad region of Kyrgyzstan. The canyon offers a stunning view, with the blue waters of the Naryn River creating a truly enchanting scene. The Naryn River is the largest and longest river in Kyrgyzstan.

In neighboring Uzbekistan, it merges with the Karadarya River to form the fully-flowing Syr Darya, the second largest river in Central Asia. Just below the Toktogul Reservoir, the Naryn River carves its way through the mountains, forming the canyon. The color of the water is explained by the fact that it passes through the Toktogul Reservoir and the Naryn hydroelectric power station cascade, naturally purifying itself from impurities.

DWC company organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan but also in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

To reach the Naryn Canyon (clickable).