After the widespread adoption of Islam, prayers and religious rituals in Bukhara were held in the Registan Square. However, by the end of the 9th century, Registan Square became insufficient for mass prayers, and there was a need to create a special place for this purpose – a namazgoh. The term “namazgoh” translates as “a place for prayer.” The main events accompanied by prayers in the Namazgoh Mosque were the holidays of Kurban-Bayram and Uraza-Bayram.

The Namazgoh Mosque was reconstructed several times in the 13th and 15th centuries. In the 17th century, it acquired a monumental composition with an ivan: the front facade consists of a three-span gallery with a central portal and a domed building.

Today, the Namazgoh Mosque has lost its original purpose and has become a valuable monument of history and culture. If you are interested in the history and architecture of Bukhara, renting jeeps in Bishkek can be an excellent way to get to this amazing landmark.

Get to the Namazgoh Mosque (clickable).