On August 31, 2002, the day dedicated to the memory of the victims of repression, an important place was solemnly opened in Tashkent – the memorial complex “Shahidlar Xotirasi” (“Memory of the Victims”). This complex pays tribute to compatriots who bravely fought for the freedom of their homeland and endured mass repression in the first half of the 20th century. The museum is located in a charming part of the city – opposite the Tashkent Television Tower, on the bank of the Bozsuv Canal.

The period from 1937 to 1953 is remembered in history as a tragic period when a ruthless wave of Stalinist repression swept through Uzbekistan, claiming thousands of lives and ruining the destinies of many. More than 14,000 people were shot, and 118,000 were sent to camps where living conditions were comparable to death. During these dark times, many figures of arts, writers, prominent scientists, political and public figures became victims of repression.

Do not miss the opportunity to explore this historical place and learn more about it with the tourist company from Bishkek!

Get to the Museum of Memory of the Victims of Repression (clickable).