Lake Mertsbacher is a unique natural phenomenon that formed in the early 19th century. There is an opinion that it emerged at least twice. In 1902, it was discovered by the mountaineer Gotthard Mertsbacher, after whom the reservoir is named. It is located at the confluence of the North and South Inylchek rivers at an altitude of 3304 meters above sea level. The maximum depth is 70 meters with an area of 4.5 square kilometers. It consists of two basins situated at two different levels, with a difference of 400 meters.

Annually, around August, the lake bursts down the valley, accompanied by ice blocks the size of houses. From the shores of the reservoir, one can admire the peaks of the Tian Shan mountains—a frozen silence of snowy giants. Each year, from July to August, the lake disappears within 2-3 days and is refilled as the glacier melts. No hypothesis related to this phenomenon has been confirmed so far.

The “Lord of Spirits” Range is another interesting place. For a long time, people were afraid to explore the mountain peaks, and therefore the territories of the Inylchek Glacier remained unexplored. Many legends circulated among the people about the land of Tengri-Tag. Thanks to this, the summit of the range acquired the name Khan Tengri or Lord of Spirits. This place always attracts mountaineers and scholars. Khan Tengri is the second highest peak after Peak Pobeda. The border of China, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan runs along the summit. It is one of the most beautiful peaks on the planet.

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