Sheikh Zainiddin-bobo was born in Baghdad in 1164. His father, Shahobiddin Suhrawardi, was the founder of the Suhrawardi Sufi order, a poet, and a sheikh who led the Sufis of Baghdad. In his youth, Zainiddin was sent to Tashkent with the aim of spreading the teachings of his renowned father. He settled in Kukcha, one of the four ancient districts of Tashkent, and lived there all his life. Sheikh Zainiddin delivered lectures, dedicating himself entirely to enlightening the local residents and advancing spirituality. The main activity of Sheikh Zainiddin was associated with his cell, known as “chilla-khane,” where he prayed for the well-being of people.

To preserve the memory of Zainiddin-bobo, a mausoleum was built in Kukcha at the end of the 14th century by the order of Amir Timur. However, the real treasure is not only the mausoleum itself but also the ancient two-story cell, known as “chilla-khona,” which served as the main refuge for Sheikh Zainiddin. This monument of ancient architecture dates back to the 12th century and is the oldest surviving building in modern Tashkent.

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