In the historical part of Khiva, in Ichankala, lies a unique historical landmark – the Mausoleum of Said Allauddin. Having traversed through the centuries, it has undergone multiple restorations, and the exact date of its creation remains a mystery. We invite you to visit this remarkable place as part of a journey with a tourist company from Bishkek.

Said Allauddin, who had familial ties to the Prophet Muhammad, became an Islamic preacher in Khiva in the late 13th century and passed away in 1303. Half a century later, a mausoleum emerged at the site of his burial, attributed to the architect Amir Kulyal.

Architecturally, the Mausoleum of Said Allauddin stands out with its modest beauty. Brick walls and domes, devoid of facing, frame the mausoleum in an ascetic style. In the 19th century, a small square building appeared next to the mausoleum, known as the ziyratkhona, which changed the direction of entry – it began to be located on the north side. Perhaps the original structure had diverse ornamentation, but due to numerous reconstructions, these details have not survived to our days.

The DWC company organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan but also through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

Get to the Mausoleum of Said Allauddin (clickable).