Jeep tours from Bishkek, organized by the Bishkek Tourist Company, offer an unforgettable journey to Lake Badak – one of the most beautiful mountain lakes in the Tashkent region. Located at an altitude of 1700 meters and with a depth of up to 23 meters, this place captivates with its natural beauty.

The road to the upper lake is a 6-hour hike, requiring good physical fitness, but the views that unfold before your eyes are worth every step. Passing through this path surrounds you with the beauty of the mountainous terrain and dispels fatigue along the way.

A special feature of Lake Badak is its ability to change color depending on the time of day. In the morning, it appears greenish-blue, by noon it takes on a bluish hue, and at sunset, it acquires a silvery gleam. This beautiful spectacle creates a sense of magic and enchantment.

Get to Lake Badak (clickable).