Jeep tours from Bishkek, organized by the Bishkek Tourist Company, offer a unique journey to the breathtaking Arashan Lakes – some of the most beautiful yet challenging lakes in Uzbekistan.

The Arashan Lakes complex includes four beautiful lakes: Upper Arashan, Khodja Arashan, Big and Small, as well as two small unnamed lakes. They are located at altitudes ranging from 2770 to 3350 meters above sea level and are characterized by high-mountain moraine nature.

The Arashan Lakes are situated on the high-mountain Angren Plateau, stretching along the border of the Tashkent and Namangan regions of Uzbekistan, as well as Kyrgyzstan. Administratively, the lakes belong to the Pap district of the Namangan region, but they are also popular among residents of Tashkent, as they are more accessible from the capital than from Namangan.

Getting to these lakes is not easy; the route starts from Tashkent and passes through the village of Ertash, offering travelers steep climbs, winding serpentine roads, river crossings, and rocky cliffs.

Get to Lake Arashan (clickable).