The Korkyt-Ata Memorial is located in a mountain gorge at an altitude of about 2,200 meters above sea level. It was created in memory of the heroes and defenders of Kazakhstan who fought for their freedom and independence. This majestic place attracts attention with its architecture and the magnificent landscape framed by towering mountains.

It symbolizes the ancient Kazakh heroes and is based on the legend of Korkyt-Ata, a wise and mighty warrior. The memorial includes monuments, memorial steles, and sculptures that tell the story of the struggle for freedom and resistance.

Visiting the Korkyt-Ata Memorial with the help of jeep tours and jeep rental in Bishkek from the tourist companies Bishkek and DWC will allow you to immerse yourself in the deep meaning of this place and feel its historical significance. You’ll be able to walk through the memorial grounds, see the majestic sculptures, and sense the spirit of memory and reverence for the heroes.

The Korkyt-Ata Memorial is also a venue for various cultural and patriotic events. Here, you can witness national dances, songs, and performances that convey the heritage and traditions of the Kazakh people.

Get to the Korkyt-Ata Memorial (clickable).