Just 20 kilometers away from Khujand lies one of the natural jewels of the Sogdian region – the Kayrakkum Reservoir, stretching for 50 kilometers to the east. This artificial lake was created in the 1950s for the construction of a hydroelectric power station and to regulate the flow of the Syr Darya River. Residents of this land, deprived of access to the sea coast, often refer to it as the “Tajik Sea.”

Over time, this artificial lake has transformed into a new ecosystem for the region: its waters have become home to a variety of fish species, such as pike, carp, catfish, perch, bream, and others.

Over its half-century history, the Kayrakkum Reservoir has become a popular recreational destination. Along its shores stretch sanatoriums, recreational areas, and children’s camps. It is an ideal place for swimming and fishing.

DWC Tour Company invites you to enjoy this unique corner of nature and relax on its shores.

[Get to the Kayrakkum Reservoir (clickable).]