The Djuku Gorge, also known as Zauka, is the longest on the Terskey Ala-Too Range. Renowned for its vistas, diverse flora, and fauna, it is situated on the southern coast of Issyk-Kul, 70 km from the city of Karakol. The gorge has been popular among travelers and merchants since ancient times.

At one point, it provided shelter for the Chinese, Scythians, ancient Turkic peoples, Christians, and nomadic Kyrgyz. The terrain of the gorge is quite intricate, yet it served as the sole link between Kyrgyzstan and China.

Through the gorge, one could also reach the western part of the Tian Shan. The Juuku Gorge was visited by the monk Xuanzang, one of the main characters in the Chinese legend of Sun Wukong, as well as the traveler Petr Semenov-Tian-Shansky. He was fortunate to find traces of a fierce battle between ancient Kyrgyz tribes. The length of the gorge is determined by its interesting shape. In its lower part, the gorge stretches strictly from north to south, sharply turning west in the upper part. Thus, the river that flows at the bottom of the gorge stretches for a whopping 55 km. The views from the gorge are simply fantastic – red rocks, pine forests, high-mountain lakes, a turbulent river forming intricate patterns at the bottom of the gorge. In the upper part, it connects with the Arabell Plateau and forms a high-mountain desert.

The company DWC organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan but also in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.