“Issyk-Kul, known as the ‘hot lake,’ is a true gem of the Tian Shan mountains and the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan. Located at an altitude of 1608 meters above sea level, it ranks seventh among the world’s deepest lakes and is renowned for its unparalleled beauty and unique climate.

Issyk-Kul never freezes due to the temperature of its water, which never drops to zero even in winter. The lake is situated in the eastern part of Kyrgyzstan, at the foot of the Teskey Ala-Too range, and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountain peaks, including Peak Pobeda (7439 m) and Khan Tengri (6995 m).

Summer, from mid-June to late August, is the best time to visit Issyk-Kul. Issyk-Kul boasts a unique mountain-sea climate and offers a large number of sanatoriums and health centers where you can undergo medical procedures and enjoy leisure time with family or friends.

According to one legend, there was a city at the site of the lake, but it was buried underground due to an earthquake, and the lake appeared in its place. The girls who lost their loved ones mourned them, and the lake was filled with bitter-salty water.

The second legend tells of a beautiful girl who, forced to enter the ruler’s palace, threw herself out of the window, unable to forget her love for a shepherd. At that moment, water streams from the mountains washed away the ruler’s palace, and the lake formed in its place.

Issyk-Kul was mentioned in ancient Chinese chronicles as early as the 2nd century BCE as ‘Zhe-Hai’ or ‘hot sea.’ However, detailed studies of the lake began only in the 19th century, and in 2006, archaeological excavations on its bottom, conducted with the participation of the Vice President of the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Ploskih, revealed an ancient civilization dating back at least 2,500 years.

DWC travel company invites you on an exciting journey to this amazing place so that you can enjoy all its beauty and centuries-old history.”

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