The DWC tourist company invites you to an exciting journey through the Fergana Valley—one of the most beautiful oasis regions covering an area of ​​22,000 square kilometers with a population of 7 million people. This amazing corner of the earth is surrounded by the Tian Shan mountains and pierced by the waters of the Syr Darya and Naryn rivers, making it an ideal place for agriculture and animal husbandry. The Fergana Valley is renowned for its cities: Andijan, Fergana, Margilan, Kokand, Shahimardan, and Kuva, as well as its rich historical and architectural monuments.

The Fergana Valley is also famous for its developed agriculture, especially cotton farming, and it grows a variety of vegetables and fruits, delighting its residents and guests with delicious and fresh produce.

If you want to experience all the beauty and richness of the Fergana Valley, DWC offers jeep rentals in Bishkek and organizes exciting trips to this unique region. Be prepared for thrilling experiences and unforgettable adventures in the enchanting Fergana Valley!

Access the Fergana Valley (clickable link).