When considering the amazing architectural masterpieces of Bukhara, special attention should be paid to the Chor-Minor Madrasa. This madrasa is located not far from Lyab-i-Hauz, occupying a central place in the open square. Its name, “Chor-Minor,” translates as “four minarets,” and it fully justifies itself: on the corners of the square building of the madrasa are four small minarets, each of which is adorned with blue domes, and their decoration does not have repeating elements.

Each of these four minarets has a unique shape. It is believed that the artistic elements used in decorating these towers symbolize the religious and philosophical aspects of the four great world religions. In some elements, similarities with the cross, the Christian icon in the form of a fish, and Buddhist prayer wheels can be discerned.

DWC travel company invites you to explore this amazing architectural ensemble and immerse yourself in Bukhara’s rich cultural heritage.

Get to Chor-Minor (clickable).