Jeep tours from Bishkek, provided by the Bishkek Tourist Company, offer unique opportunities for travelers to explore enchanting places, such as Lake Aidarkul – a natural wonder in the heart of the Kyzylkum Desert.

There is a scientific explanation for the origin of Aidarkul. Previously, excess drainage water from the Djizak Steppe flowed into the Arnasai Depression with its saline soils. But in 1969, there was a catastrophic flood on the Syr Darya River, which exceeded the capacity of the Chardara Reservoir, and the water filled the Arnasai Depression. Thus, the crystal-clear Lake Aidarkul was formed, which became home to a multitude of fish.

Today, the area of Lake Aidarkul is 3000 square kilometers, its length stretches about 250 kilometers, and its width varies from 8 to 15 kilometers. This place is a true paradise for travelers, providing excellent conditions for hiking, horseback riding, and camel riding.

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