Jeep tours from Bishkek, provided by the Bishkek Tourist Company, offer unique opportunities for travelers to explore the stunning nature of Central Asia, including the majestic Amu Darya River.

The Amu Darya is a major river in Central Asia, serving as the lifeblood of the region. The river is formed by the confluence of two rivers, the Vakhsh and the Panj, whose sources are located in the highlands of the Pamirs. Its mouth is located in the Karakalpak Republic of Uzbekistan.

Throughout its ancient history, the Amu Darya has had many names. In ancient texts like the “Avesta,” it is mentioned as the Vakhsh, while ancient Greek authors knew it as the Araxes. The modern name Amu Darya derives from the ancient city of Amul (now Turkmenabat) and the Tajik word “daryo” (river).

More than half of the river’s water resources are used for irrigating agricultural land, primarily for cotton cultivation. As a result, water from the river does not reach its mouth, leading to a decrease in the volume of the Aral Sea, and its delta has turned into a semi-desert.

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