Amir Timur Square is a picturesque spot in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. As the historical and cultural center of the city, it attracts numerous tourists, including those embarking on jeep tours from Bishkek with a tour company.

The fame of Amir Timur Square is due to its historical significance. In the mid-14th century, the great warrior and commander, Amir Timur, founded the city of Tashkent and made it his homeland. In honor of this historical figure, the square was adorned with his statue, becoming a symbol of the city.

The square features a unique radial-circular composition consisting of 8 alleys, which serve as starting points for an equal number of streets directed towards the four cardinal directions.

Surrounding the square are several outstanding architectural structures, including the towering “Uzbekistan” Hotel, the State Museum of the History of Timurids, and two ancient brick buildings of the Law University, constructed in the late 19th century. Additionally, the square is renowned for its famous clock towers, which have become the hallmark of this remarkable place.

Getting to Amir Timur Square (clickable).