“Altyn-Arashan, or ‘Golden Source,’ is located in a picturesque alpine valley, as if torn from the pages of a postcard. This amazing place is situated at an altitude of 3000 meters, with the majestic Tent Peak rising to 4260 meters on its southern side. The road leading from the valley to the Ak-Suu sanatorium represents a true journey and takes 5 to 6 hours. It includes a steep ascent south of the Arashan River, passing through a canyon dotted with hidden hot and cold springs. The majority of this area is part of the Arashan State Nature Reserve.

The road is not without its challenges and requires serious driving skills. Along the way, you can encounter pine forests hiding numerous hot and cold springs. It is known that bears inhabit this area, making it even more unique. A small zoological museum presents the fauna of this region and complements the picture of the natural richness of Altyn-Arashan.

Above the Altyn-Arashan resort, you can find the Kyzyl-Tash Cave and the peaks of the Ak-Suu Range, rising to a height of 5022 meters above sea level. Here are also the gorges of Tergen Ak-Suu, Jergalan, and Koy Jailyoo. Several hiking trails start from Altyn-Arashan, including routes through the Karakol Valley (with Lake Ala-Kul) and Jeti-Oguz, although some may remain inaccessible due to snow, which often does not melt until midsummer.

DWC travel company invites you to explore this stunning place, where you can enjoy its beauty, diversity of springs, and richness of flora and fauna.”

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