Aksay Valley is known as the Kyrgyz cold pole. It is located in the south of the Naryn Region, amidst the At-Bashi, Jangi-Jer, and Kak-Shaal-Too ranges. By the way, the border between Kyrgyzstan and China runs along the Kak-Shaal-Too range.

Aksay Valley represents a wide high-mountainous terrain, ranging from 3000 to 4000 meters above sea level. Its highest point is the Kak-Shaal-Too ridge, which is difficult to climb. The climate in the valley is sharply continental, with temperatures fluctuating drastically from high to low.

The minimum temperature can drop to minus 56 degrees Celsius, while the maximum can reach plus 33 degrees Celsius. The terrain is covered with grass, small lakes, and swamps, with huge boulders scattered throughout the area. It’s almost always windy and sunny here. Several bird species inhabit the area permanently, including eagles, sparrows, falcons, sandpipers, and more.

Get to the Aksay Canyon (clickable).