Upon arrival in Samarkand from the north, on the tops of high hills, lies the ancient settlement of Afrasiyab (7th-2nd century BCE), immersed in history. This place acquired its name thanks to the locals inspired by the legend of the great city founded by the mythical Turanian king, Afrasiab. In reality, this settlement is associated with pre-Mongol Samarkand. It was here, from the 6th century BCE until its destruction by the Mongols in 1220 CE, that urban life flourished.

Having endured invasions by numerous conquerors, Samarkand was never able to recover after the invasion of Genghis Khan. The Great Mongol ordered the city to be destroyed, shaking the local residents so much that they hesitated to resettle the hills. Returning to the ruins of Samarkand, they settled at its foothills.

Archaeological excavations have revealed that the Afrasiyab settlement included a fortress, inner city, and suburbs. Do not miss the opportunity to visit this historically significant place with the DWC tourist company!

Get to Afrasiyab (clickable).