Shaitankol is one of the most mysterious lakes in Kazakhstan. Its exact depth is still unknown. According to legend, when the Creator was creating the Earth, he generously scattered precious stones, which turned into bodies of water, mountains, and forests. However, the Kazakhs were only left with steppes and appealed to the Creator for compensation. The Creator then took what was left, and that’s how the picturesque mountains with white caps, crystal-clear lakes, and meadows appeared, including Lake Shaitankol.

There are many legends surrounding the lake, but one thing is certain – there is a special atmosphere here. Swimming in the lake is not advisable, as the weather can change suddenly. However, visiting it is definitely worth it.

DWC company organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan but also through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

Get to Shaitankol (clickable).