The Chatkal Valley is located in the Western Tien Shan, between the Chatkal and Chandalash ranges. The highest peak in this area is Peak Chatkal, at 4503 meters.

The valley is formed by the Chatkal River and stretches for 150 km. Also, the road to the Talas region passes through here, via the Kara-Buura Pass.

Tourists will be interested in admiring coniferous and deciduous forests, arch thickets, and alpine meadows. Glaciers rise from the northern part. The flora and fauna are quite diverse – you can encounter marmots, foxes, bears, wild boars, deer, martens, and lynxes.

DWC company organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan but also in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

To get to the Chatkal Valley (clickable).