Khiva is an amazing city located in Uzbekistan. The city of Khiva is famous for its ancient historical center – Itchan Kala, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This unique architectural ensemble is completely surrounded by fortress walls and represents a real open-air museum.

This city was an important cultural and trade center on the Silk Road, and its history spans several millennia. Numerous monuments of ancient Uzbek architecture have been preserved here, such as the Kalta Minar minaret, the mausoleum of Pahlavon Mahmud, and much more.

Visiting Khiva is worth including in your itinerary if you are traveling with the tourist company DWC and renting a jeep in Bishkek. This city will allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of ancient and culturally rich Khiva, enjoy unique architecture and examples of crafts, as well as learn more about the rich cultural and historical heritage of Central Asia.

Getting to Khiva (clickable).