The tourist company in Bishkek offers unique jeep tours to the Kyzylkum Desert, located in Central Asia between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, within the territories of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and partially Turkmenistan. The name of this desert, “Kyzylkum,” translates from Turkic as “Red Sands.”

The surface of the Kyzylkum is characterized by a gentle slope from southeast to northwest, towards the shores of the Aral Sea. This vast desert is bordered to the northwest by the Aral Sea, to the northeast by the Syr Darya River, to the east by the foothills of the Tian Shan and Pamir-Alay, and to the southwest by the Amu Darya River. The area of ​​the Kyzylkum is approximately 300,000 square kilometers.

The desert is a plain with a general slope to the northwest, where the altitude changes from 300 meters in the southeast to 53 meters in the northwest.

The best time for such an exciting journey is mid-March to early June and late August to October. Book a jeep safari with a tourist company in Bishkek and embark on an exhilarating adventure into the mysterious Kyzylkum Desert!

Access the Kyzylkum Desert (clickable link).