The tourist company DWC offers travelers to visit one of the famous sacred places of Uzbekistan, located 40 km southwest of Samarkand, in the territory of the village of Aksay. This is the unique cave of Hazrat Daud (Saint David), revered in three world religions.

According to Arab legend, the biblical King David was sent by the Lord to Asia to preach monotheism. Hazrat Daud, as Muslims call him, angered the Zoroastrians who lived here with his preaching, and they began to persecute him. Daud took refuge in the mountains and, praying to God, miraculously parted the rocks and took shelter in the mountain.

Legend has it that in the cave of Hazrat Daud, any wishes come true, even the most incredible ones. To reach this sacred cave, one must climb 1303 steep steps leading to the mountaintop. Here, at the top, visitors can pray in the ancient mosque. The cave, ranging in width from 0.5 to 4 meters, height up to 15 meters, and length up to 30 meters, is a dark tunnel. At its end, you can see the imprints of Daud’s palms and feet, and wishes should be made by touching these ancient traces.

Get to the Cave of Hazrat Dovud (clickable).