Lake Alakol, hidden amidst the vast steppes of Kazakhstan, is considered one of the true natural wonders. According to legend, its waters were used for centuries to heal the wounds of Genghis Khan’s warriors, and during Soviet times, it even attracted the attention of cosmonauts who underwent health treatments at a special sanatorium on the shores of Alakol.

Vegetation in this region is sparse and typical of the steppe. Along the shores of the lake, you can find rare trees and shrubs. Although the water of Alakol is mildly saline, it has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the skin, respiratory system, and overall health.

The beaches of Alakol are truly amazing. They consist of black smooth stones, pebbles, and gravel. Lying on the black pebble beach after swimming in the velvety water brings genuine pleasure.

Relaxing at Alakol is a great opportunity to unwind, enjoy nature, and rejuvenate, whether it’s for a brief weekend getaway or a long-awaited vacation.
The DWC tour company will assist you in planning your trip and ensure an unforgettable stay at this remarkable lake.

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