“The Museum of Olympic Glory was opened on September 1, 1996, during the official visit of the President of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov to Lausanne, Switzerland, where he visited the world’s first Olympic museum. He decided: ‘I will create a similar museum in our homeland because there are many sports heroes in our country.’

The Museum of Olympic Glory was opened on the fifth anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Its area is 2121 square meters. The museum features 2115 exhibits, including cups, pennants, sports uniforms, medals, and much more related to the Olympic movement.

If you are interested in sports and the history of Olympic achievements, visiting the Museum of Olympic Glory will be an exciting experience. And for a more comfortable journey around the country, it is recommended to use jeep rental services in Bishkek.

Get to the Museum of Olympic Glory (clickable).”