Tour company DWC invites you to an unforgettable journey through cultural treasures. Renting jeeps in Bishkek will allow you to discover amazing places, including the Baland Mosque (High Mosque) – a small gem of a temple located in the southern part of the marvelous city of Bukhara.

This unique mosque was erected in the early 16th century in the heart of the rich Bukhara quarter. Its name, “Baland,” translates as “high,” reflecting the grandeur and significance of this structure. Over five centuries ago, it was launched, and today the Baland Mosque is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The mosque has a unique architectural composition consisting of winter and summer parts. The winter part is a cuboid building surrounded by a corner ivan, which serves as the summer part of the mosque. The columns of the ivan are decorated in stalactite style and supported by a concrete foundation. Especially impressive are the columns and ceiling of the ivan, adorned with luxurious painting and ornamentation, creating a unique atmosphere inside the temple. DWC company organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan but also through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

Get to the Baland Mosque (clickable).