The Mausoleum of Aisha-Bibi is a historical monument dating back to the 12th century and at the same time one of the precious cultural heritages of Kazakhstan. This amazing mausoleum is located in the village of Aisha-Bibi, just 17 kilometers from the ancient city of Taraz, in the Zhambyl Region.

According to legend, Karakhan, the ruler of ancient Taraz, fell in love with Aisha-Bibi and asked for her hand in marriage from her longtime enemy, Sheikh Aikhodzha. The Sheikh refused him, which angered Karakhan. Upon learning of this, Aisha-Bibi set off to Taraz by deceit. Unfortunately, Karakhan never got to see her, as she died from the bite of a poisonous snake on the way.

The Mausoleum of Aisha-Bibi is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is a popular place among locals. Among the people, there is a belief that those who visit the mausoleum are destined for a happy life. It also often attracts newlyweds from nearby regions who come here to start a new chapter in their lives. The DWC travel company will help you organize an unforgettable trip to this magical place.

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