The fortress of Itchan Kala is a magnificent architectural complex located in the historical city of Khiva, Uzbekistan. This unique UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the oldest and best-preserved urban centers in Central Asia.

Itchan Kala fortress impresses with its beautiful fortress walls surrounding the inner city. This architectural ensemble was created between the 12th and 19th centuries and is a splendid example of ancient Uzbek architecture.

Itchan Kala fortress is a city within a city. Many historical buildings have been preserved here, including mausoleums, madrasas, mosques, and caravanserais, which are evidence of the rich history of this place.

Visiting the Itchan Kala Fortress is worth including in your itinerary if you are traveling with the tourist company DWC and renting a jeep in Bishkek. This unique complex will allow you to transport yourself back to ancient times and enjoy the beauty and grandeur of ancient Khiva. You can stroll through narrow streets, admire the craftsmanship of architects of that time, and learn more about the rich cultural heritage of Central Asia.

Getting to the Itchan Kala Fortress (clickable).