Tour company DWC invites you to jeep tours in Bishkek and presents a unique opportunity to explore the gem of Kokand – the palace of the last ruler of the Kokand Khanate, Khudoyar Khan – Urda.

This magnificent palace complex, built in 1871, impresses with its grandeur and beauty. The palace of Khudoyar Khan, surrounded by carved stone walls, includes seven small inner courtyards and 119 rooms. Its total area is 4 hectares, and its foundation is raised to a height of three meters.

The construction of this magnificent palace required the efforts of 16 thousand people, including 80 craftsmen and 1000 workers. Workers, forcibly brought to construction, created this splendor in incredibly harsh conditions, often subjected to punishments. Today, the Khudoyar Khan Palace houses a local history museum, the exhibits of which allow you to immerse yourself in the history and present of Kokand. A tour with DWC company on jeeps in Bishkek will provide you with a unique opportunity to appreciate the greatness of this cultural monument and feel its historical atmosphere.

Get to the Khudoyar Khan Palace (clickable).