Mount Belukha is located on the border of Kazakhstan and Russia. It is the highest peak in the Altai Mountains with two prominent summits – Eastern Belukha and Western Belukha, at 4509 and 4435 meters respectively. The third summit, less pronounced, is Peak Delone, standing at 4260 meters.

Local residents call it the “Three-headed sacred mountain.” Another name for it is Kadyr-Bazhy, which means “Woman of High Origin.” It is considered a mystical place where the indivisibility of the past, present, and future is keenly felt.

There is a belief that the energy of this place has a beneficial effect on the surrounding world and serves as a means of communication between the Spiritual Mind and earthly beings. Vibrations are perceived by humans, adjusting them. Unusual talents and abilities can be revealed, intuition improves, and opportunities for healing others arise. It is definitely recommended for those interested in esotericism.

DWC company organizes jeep tours not only throughout Kyrgyzstan but also in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

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