Tour company DWC invites you to unique jeep tours from Bishkek, during which you will have the opportunity to explore the historical Talipach Gates, symbolizing the rich history of Bukhara.

In the past, the Talipach Gates served as meeting points for caravans arriving from the north and as collection points for city entrance taxes. Today, they no longer serve these functions but remain a symbol of Bukhara’s affluent past.

The Talipach Gates were built in the 16th century during the reign of Abdullah Khan I. They were part of the city’s defensive fortifications. Together with other gates, they were connected by fortress walls, which, unfortunately, have not survived to this day. Currently, the Talipach Gates are surrounded by urban development, amidst residential houses and green gardens.

The Talipach Gates and remnants of the fortress walls have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, emphasizing their historical and cultural significance. Join DWC tours and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of ancient Bukhara, getting acquainted with this important architectural artifact.

Get to the Talipach Gates (clickable).