Lake Ala-Kul is one of the gems of Kyrgyzstan, and jeep tours to this area are becoming increasingly popular. This vast high-mountain lake is skillfully hidden in the eastern part of the Terskey-Ala-Too Range on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul, near the town of Karakol.

Ala-Kul is like a colorful work of art by nature. Its name translates from Kyrgyz as “variegated lake,” and this description couldn’t be more accurate. The lake’s water has an amazing bright turquoise color, and on its shores, you can even see snow that hasn’t melted even in summer, lush greenery, and colorful mountain flowers.

Ala-Kul is literally located at a heavenly altitude, at 3500 meters above sea level. Among all the high-mountain lakes in Kyrgyzstan, it is perhaps the most beloved among tourists due to its unique beauty and significant size. The lake stretches for almost 3 kilometers in length and about 500 meters in width, with a total shoreline length of 7 kilometers. Visiting this magnificent place as part of a jeep tour, you will immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Kyrgyzstan, leaving unforgettable impressions.

Get to Ala-Kul (clickable).